Sculpture « Borealis »

Ontario, 2013
MM-372936 MM-373412
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Descriptif de l'œuvre

L'artiste explique cette oeuvre ainsi: "This form is made like all my others in your collection, however the surface treatment is a little different: The form is initially modeled upside down as a solid: templates are cut form wood to define the rim and profile, and glued together. Styrofoam pieces build up around the templates, and then clay is then applied over the styrofoam core initially making a rough shape that is smoothed and refined. A plaster mold is then made, and the work is eventually slipcast with my own clay slip (a high earthenware that matures at 1150C). The surface in this case is applied after the high temperature bisque. It consists of layers of stain and slip, built up and then later sanded through before firing, and then sanded and polished again after firing" (courriel du 16 juin 2014).
terre cuite moulée, cuissons multiples, sablé avant et après cuisson, puis poli, cuisson 1150°C
haut.: 70 cm long.: 56 cm prof.: 49 cm
N° inventaire
AR 2014-123

Plus d'informations

Don Frank Nievergelt, 06.2014

Bibliographie de l'œuvre

Nievergelt Frank et alii, Passionnément céramique. Collection Frank Nievergelt / Leidenschaft für Keramik. Sammlung Frank Nievergelt, [exposition Musée Ariana, Genève, 8.04. - 25.09.2016], 5 Continents / Arnoldsche, Milan, 2016, p. 107, coul. (Oeuvre)

Autres œuvres du même auteur

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Récipient-sculpture, Ontario, 2003
Steven Heinemann (Toronto, 1957 - ), céramiste
Sculpture « Moab », Ontario, 1999
Steven Heinemann (Toronto, 1957 - ), céramiste
Sculpture « Birthmark », Ontario, 2002
Steven Heinemann (Toronto, 1957 - ), céramiste
Sculpture « Ladle », Ontario, 2006